Thursday 22 February 2007

February clouds

Glare and relief, hide and go seek, chasing their own tails as they scroll to the horizon - February's clouds hang just beyond reach. They stand lofty though not aloof, conduits for blazing Sol's more astringent treats.

Widening thickening scars rent the sky, a sheet shaken to disperse the crumbs, drifting laundry.

Whiter than whiter, brighter than bright, they billow balletically and weep as they sweep.

Fat round drops spatter window patter roof splatter road. Hissing, mercurial drenchings, whispers of swirling steam hanging suspended, eager to regroup yet afraid to miss the show. But, too eager, they regather to resoar retumble resoak.

Taste of rose - sweet thorny soft hidden dangers - far far far from spring grass autumn lemon winter mint.

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