Sunday 4 February 2007


Things occur in ways that perhaps could be clearer, but then we have little say.

A certain certainty raises its head only but after, at which point the knowing element will have been superceded in the primary instance anyway.

At which point we begin and conclude:

This is the point of the schism, at which working back will render exactly the same sense-function as working forward, for it shall reach the same endpoint - the beginning.

Of life, death; of death life. Thusly...

Encounters with bones and murder, cancelled from the library of the department of industrial relations.

Chocolate milk, toastpoppingseed, apple green.

Silk of sock brush carpet. Cool, shoes off. Flip-flaps of Polly Penguin. Clocking on.

Ligeti's puppets and wrecking yard poetry, wormwood and blackened pillow.

Prior - blue felt, fused glass, rasberries just so.

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