Monday 24 May 2010

The Music Box: Part V: Chapter Seventy

The moment Emily had seen Crouch swallow the licorice, he vanished from her sight. She made herself wait at least 10 seconds, but still nobody appeared, so she slowly opened the cupboard door. Stepping out into the room, she felt a momentary surge of triumph. She had done it! Crouch must now be back in the music box. But with the floods of relief came a troubling thought. How long could she be sure he would be there?

She was almost certain he would not have any food with him, so there was no simple way out for him that way. But perhaps he knew of other ways to escape. She herself had found at least one other way out with Minerva’s help, through the music, and she knew that Oscar had also passed out through other means. While this passed through her mind, she absentmindedly pocketed the remaining sweets from the dresser.

There still remained one aspect of her plan that Emily had never really worked out. She was still here in Crouch’s body and now had no idea where hers might be. As she considered all this, she examined the room for the music box. She knew it must be here somewhere, but where?

It had not been in the wardrobe, nor could she see it on the dresser. She thought for a moment longer then dropped to her knees, lifting the bedspread and peering beneath. And there it was.

Lifting the music box gently, she carried it over to the dresser and set it down. Here it was, the reason she had got into this mess, the reason her father had nearly died, for she was sure that it was poison she had seen Crouch slip into her father’s teacup, which sat just to the side on the tray, now cold.

Despite everything that had happened, Emily was still drawn to the box. As she ran her finger over its carved edges, she felt a warm, happy feeling pass through her body. Her head emptied of all other thought but for the box and she was on the verge of opening the lid when she heard footsteps at the door. Snapping from her reverie, she glided across the room and hid behind the door.

The moment had arrived and she must now explain all.


Peter Hollo said...

Sweet! Go Emily!

museum of fire said...

Emily said she will see what she can do, but thinks she better find out about this 'exciting secret #FourPlay project with Neil Gaiman' first, just to be safe. She said to say that this is about the secretest place such a thing can be detailed as nobody is likely to wander by ;-)

Peter Hollo said...

You are an awfully funny fellow :)
And does Chapter Seventy-One really come after Chapter Seventy?
Up to you :P

I will attempt to email you soon about FourPlay Neil Gaiman...

museum of fire said...

Option A: Picture Guy Pearce in a pinafore and it works just fine ('Memento' Guy Pearce, not 'Priscilla' Guy Pearce, which really wouldn't help at all)

Option B: The museum acknowledges it could display its pieces in a more readily comprehensible manner and makes the necessary adjustments to better sequentialise. The benefit of this rearrangement is it makes a lot more sense from a reading perspective, a drawback is your comment will now seem less eminently sensible :P

museum of fire said...

The trouble with posting as you go, then realising you had to explain something...

But I've cheated and written a little bit ahead now so can almost guarantee sensibility until the (imminent) end, if not edification.